SCC Exhibition Awards

SCC has five awards available for presentation at Philatelic Exhibitions. They are as follows:

  1. SCC National Award - the Joanna Sliski Taylor Memorial Bowl - Presented at SCC Annual Show Only
  2. NORDIA Award - Presented at NORDIA Events Only
  3. SCC Medals (Jed Richter Award, Paul Jensen Award, Kaj Hellman Award & Victor Engstrom Award) - Presented at all qualifying WSP National Shows
  4. SCC Alan Warren Award (Thematic/Topical) - Presented at SCC Annual Show Only
  5. SCC Single Frame Award - John S. Siverts Memorial Plaque - Presented at SCC Annual Show Only


The SCC National Award, a suitably inscribed Orrefors Crystal "Corona" Bowl, is presented to the owner of the Best Scandinavian Exhibit at the SCC National Convention each year. The bowl has been made available each year through the generosity of Scott and Joanna Taylor. Upon Joanna's untimely death in 1996, the remaining bowls (through 2014) have been renamed the "Joanna Sliski Taylor Memorial Bowl". In 2015 the national award for best exhibit at the convention show was changed to a Swedish Mail Box. It may be won by an exhibitor who is not a member of SCC, but the winning exhibit must be 100% Scandinavian Material to be eligible. An exhibitor may not win the bowl more than once for any given exhibit. Previous winners of this prestigious award are:

  • 1983 - Michael E. Falls "Iceland 1873-1944" NAPEX
  • 1984 - Kauko Aro "Finland Postal Cards" PHILATELIC Show
  • 1985 - Vi King (Jed Richter) "Norway 1855-1875" WESTPEX
  • 1986 - Harald Tysland "Norwegian Posthorns of 1877" BALPEX
  • 1988 - Gene Scott "Denmark: Skilling Issues" SESCAL
  • 1989 - Keith P. Klugman "Pre UPU Foreign Mail of St. Thomas" NOJEX
  • 1990 - Roger P. Quinby "Russian Stamps & Stationery Used in Finland" PHILATELIC Show
  • 1991 - Peer Lorentzen "Denmark 1-10, 1851-63" ARIPEX
  • 1992 - Michael Hvidonov "Traditional Finland 1638-1885" World Columbian Stamp Expo
  • 1993 - Howard L. Arnould "DWI Postal History, Foreign Mails before 1880" FLOREX
  • 1994 - Roger G. Schnell "DWI Postal Stationery" WESTPEX
  • 1995 - Donald F. Halpern "Prestamp Danish Mail to 1866" PHILATELIC Show
  • 1996 - Roger P. Quinby "Finland's 1918 Vaasa/Wasa Issue" ROMPEX
  • 1997 - Gordon C. Morison "Iceland Postal Cards" VAPEX
  • 1998 - Ross V. Olson "Swedish Definitives 1910-1936" CHICAGOPEX
  • 1999 - John L. DuBois "Danish West Indies Mails 1759-1877" BALPEX
  • 2000 - Donald B. Brent "Denmark Wavy Line Issue" ROYAL 2000 ROYALE
  • 2001 - Kurt Hansen "Ship Mail to and from Denmark" NORDIA 2001
  • 2002 - John L. DuBois "Danish West Indies Postal Stationery" PHILATELIC Show
  • 2003 - William Benfield "Denmark. Essays and Proofs: The First One Hundred Years" Minnesota Stamp Expo
  • 2004 - Stephen Kaplan "Usage of the Ring Stationery of Finland" PNSE 
  • 2005 - Mark Lorentzen "Across the Danish Border" RMSS 
  • 2006 - Roger G. Schnell "Classic Iceland 1778-1902" (SCC Grand Award, SANDICAL)
  • 2006 - Birthe King "Conscience, Conflict and Camps 1932-1949" (SCC National Meeting, WASHINGTON 2006)
  • 2007 - Mark Lorentzen "Mail from Great Britain to Denmark, 1840-1880" NAPEX
  • 2008 - Chris King "Slesvig: From Danish Duchy to Prussian Province 1587-1867" CHICAGOPEX
  • 2009 - Ross V.Olson "Sweden: The Medallion Definitives, 1910-1919" St. Louis Stamp Expo
  • 2010 - Roger P Quinby "Finnish Railway to St. Petersburg 1870-1918" WESTPEX
  • 2011 - Geoffrey Noer "Faroe Islands Mail 1751-1948" Minnesota Stamp Expo
  • 2012 - Gregory Frantz "Finland Steamship Companies" Rocky Mountain Stamp Show
  • 2013 - Mats Roing "Stockholm Local Delivery Postmarks, 1855-1924" ROYAL 2013 ROYALE
  • 2014 - Donald B. Brent “Denmark’s Wavy Line Design” SESCAL
  • 2015 - Roger P. Quinby "Postal Censorship in the Grand Duchy of Finland 1914-1918" Minnesota Stamp Expo
  • 2016 - Matthew Kewriga "Danish West Indies Foreign Mail 1748-UPU" CHICAGOPEX
  • 2017 - Paul Clemmensen “Holbøll’s Danish Christmas Seals 1904-1927” WESTPEX
  • 2018 - Robert W. Hisey "The First Definitives of the Finnish Republic" Sarasota National Stamp Exhibition
  • 2019 - Roger Quinby “The Classic Postal Cards of Finland” SEAPEX
  • 2022 - Arnold Sorensen “Danish West Indies Printed Matter” St. Louis Stamp Expo


An award, initiated in 1997, that is presented at the annual Nordic Federation Show (NORDIA) held in a different Scandinavian Country each year. It is generally a piece of art. The criteria for its presentation are determined by the SCC Board, when and if they decide to give such an award.


These awards are presented to recognize outstanding exhibits of Scandinavian Philately, and to act as an incentive to encourage the collecting, study and display of same. While primarily designed to be awarded at the annual SCC Convention, medals may be given at other APS-WSP Shows under certain conditions noted below. Membership in SCC is not required to be eligible for these awards and the following regulations govern the receipt of an SCC Medal.

The description and criteria for presentation of these award medals was revised by vote of the SCC board of directors at the annual meeting held 2 October 2004, at the Philadelphia National Stamp Exhibition.

  1. The exhibit must be multi-frame and contain 90% Scandinavian material. The remaining items must relate directly to the subject matter presented.
  2. SCC Medal Awards should not replace show awards but should be given in addition to them, and should be presented at the time other Host Show awards are given.
  3. Judges have full discretion in making awards, using their own standards. If no exhibits are judged worthy of one or more of these awards, then the award will not be given out. At the SCC National Convention, the SCC may request at least one guest Scandinavian Country judge (selected and funded by SCC) be on the panel.
  4. There will be three SCC Medal Awards available for presentation by the Host Show:
    1. The Jed Richter Award for classic format exhibit.
    2. The Paul Jensen Award for postal history format exhibit.
    3. The Victor Engstrom Award for exhibit research,
    4. The Kaj Hellman Award for postal stationery exhibit.

These guidelines pertain to any World Series of Philately (WSP) Show in the USA or Canada sanctioned by the APS or similar organization. Show Committees knowing that Scandinavian exhibits in the above numbers have been entered in their show should contact the SCC in advance of the Awards ceremony to apply for the appropriate number of medals. The engraving of SCC Medal Awards is the responsibility of the recipient or the Show Committee.


An award, initiated in 1999, presented to the best Thematic/Topical (and/or Special Study or Display) exhibit by a member of the Scandinavian Collectors Club at the SCC Annual Convention. It was created to recognize excellence in collecting, study and display of philatelic material of a topical or thematic nature. The award consists of a suitably inscribed plaque to be presented at the SCC Annual Dinner Meeting preceding the Host Show Awards Banquet and recognized at the Host Show Awards Banquet. The following are criteria for determining the top exhibit.

  1. The exhibit need not contain any Scandinavian material, however, extra consideration may be given for a preponderance of such material.
  2. This award should not replace any Host Show Award, but should be given in addition.
  3. The SCC President, or his assignee, will appoint a three member panel of judges (which may include at least one of the Host Show Judges) to determine the winner of this award.
  4. For this award to be given there MUST be three (3) or more qualified exhibits of thirty (30) or more pages each, entered by SCC members in the competition.

A maximum of one such award will be presented annually. An exhibit which has previously won this award is not eligible to receive it again, however such an exhibit may be counted (if entered) for purposes of obtaining the minimum number of qualified exhibits for the competition to take place.

The following members have received this award:

  • 2007 - John Campbell: "Tribute to Czeslaw Slania 1921-2005", NAPEX
  • 2018 - Michael Schumacher: "The Saga of the Icelandic Hose", Sarasota National Stamp Exhibition


Each year at its Annual Convention, SCC sponsors a Single Frame Competion of Scandinavian material to stimulate participation in philatelic exhibiting by SCC members. Donated by Chapter 13 (Delaware), the John S. Siverts Memorial Plaque is presented to the top exhibit in this competition at the SCC Annual Dinner Meeting preceding the Host Show Awards Banquet. Membership in SCC/NORDIA is required to be eligible for this award. Criteria and rules for determining the winning single frame exhibit are as follows.

  1. The exhibit must be 100% Scandinavian philatelic material.
  2. The SCC President, or his/her assignee, will appoint a three member panel of judges (which may include at least one of the Host Show Judges) to determine the winner of this award.
  3. For this award to be given there MUST be three (3) or more qualified single frame exhibits entered in the competition.
  4. A maximum of one such award will be presented annually. An exhibit which has previously won this award is not eligible to receive it again, however such an exhibit may be counted (if entered) for purposes of obtaining the minimum number of qualified exhibits for the competition to take place.

The following members have received this award:

  • 2002 - Roger Schnell: "Greenland ? Wartime Mail Transit USA 1940-1945" PHILATELIC SHOW
  • 2003 - Steve Lund: "The Use of Normal Cancellation Number 10 in Lund, Sweden" MINNESOTA STAMP EXPO
  • 2006 - Mark Lorentzen: "During and After the 1864 War" SANDICAL (regional)
  • 2006 - Wilfred Wasenden: "Letters in the 1700s Handled by Norwegian Post or Forwarded by Carrier" WASHINGTON 2006 (national)
  • 2007 - Warren Grosjean: "The Postal Markings of Nineteenth Century Skagen" NAPEX
  • 2008 - Mark Lorentzen: "Mail between Norway and Denmark" CHICAGOPEX 
  • 2011 - Arnold Sorenson: "DWI bisected 4-cent stamp usage in 1903" Minnesota Stamp Expo
  • 2015 - Michael Ley: "Finland: Uses of the Blue Lions 1930-1952" Minnesota Stamp Expo
  • 2016 - James Hill: "Graf Zeppelin Iceland Flight" CHICAGOPEX
  • 2017 - Paul Clemmensen: “Denmark’s Third Issue: 2 Skilling” WESTPEX