Library Resources
SCC has a library located in Denver, Colorado. The items in the library can be borrowed by SCC members. The library content can be searched by using the SCC Library Index, an Excel workbook, provided below. Feel free to download the workbook to your computer.

SCCLibraryIndexShared.xls (updated July 2, 2024)

A short tutorial video and a short user guide about how to search through the SCC Library Index workbook are provided below. Please refer to them to learn how to use the SCC Library Index to search for a library resource that you are looking for.

SCC Library Index Tutorial (updated July 2, 2024)

SCC Library Index User Guide (updated July 2, 2024)

  1. Library loans and services are limited to SCC members in good standing. Please provide your SCC membership number with your request for off-premises loans.
  2. Borrowers are responsible for returning borrowed items in the same condition as received and for paying postage to mail loaned items back to the SCC Library. SCC Library bears the cost of loan mailings to SCC members with U.S. addresses.
  3. Items are to be returned within 60 days from time of receipt unless prior arrangements are made.
  4. Mailings to SCC members outside the USA require special arrangements and will incur postage charges.
  5. Minor requests from SCC members, such as scans of articles and pages of books and country and auction catalogs that can be transmitted as e-mail attachments, are services generally provided free of charge.

Requests for literature not found as a result of the search through the SCC Library Index workbook provided above should include as much detail as possible and be sent to the address (physical or email) listed below. The volunteers who staff the SCC Library will make a reasonable effort to fulfill such requests.

Inquiries should be addressed to:

Scandinavian Collectors Club Library
c/o RMPL (Rocky Mountain Philatelic Library)
2038 So. Pontiac Way
Denver, CO 80224